
Showing posts from October, 2017

Watermelon Self Assessment

In celebration of all things assessment, I've just shared one of my favourite self-assessment tools in my TeachersPayTeachers store for FREE!  And, as you may have guessed, it has to do with watermelons!  What you'll find in my Watermelon Self Assessment resource are 2 simple posters:   But, as beautiful as these posters are, they don't do much on their own.  What you'll need next are some super cute  watermelon paddle-pop sticks! Most teachers would have access these materials through their school, but if not, all in all, it won't cost you much more than $15! I bought these from my local $2 dollar store and was really happy with the quality.  Note: I purchased thicker paddle-pop sticks than the standard size, I want them to last as long as possible, plus I like the look of them! Once you've marked the centre line on both sides, start painting! I temporarily re-homed some egg...


Welcome! Through this blog I hope to educate and inspire teachers in all things Assessment! Assessment is our greatest tool for delivering best practice and what's more, it can be fun! Thanks for stopping by,  Jessica.